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Dana Goward

Time:2024-10-23 17:21


Dana Goward is recognised globally as a leader and a champion of protecting, toughening and augmenting precise navigation and timing services. As President of the Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation, Mr Goward has led efforts to support GPS spectrum protection, stronger laws and better enforcement against jamming and spoofing. He has also been a champion of high power terrestrial augmenting signals to GNSS. In the US Coast Guard, Mr Goward served as the United Statesmaritime navigation authority, with 12 business lines budgeted at more than £1.3 billion per year. Mr Goward has represented the United States at international for a including the IMO, IALA and the UN anti-piracy working group. In the Coast Guard, Mr Goward commanded the Air Station in New Orleans and led the nationwide boat operations as the first Chief, Office of Boat Forces. Mr Goward is Chairman Emeritus of the Board for the Association for Rescue at Sea. He received the US IONs Norman P Hays award for inspirational leadership in 2021.

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